Sunday, May 27, 2012

What makes a good radio host?

   Everyone will probably have their own unique answer to the question I posed in the title, but let me tell you what makes a good host for me.
   In the recent sports radio shake up, a lot of people were excited about the new shows.  An equally large number (and probably more vocal) group, are extremely upset over the changes and the loss of their favorite show.

   So why do some shows get big audiences, and others get cast to the side?

   For me, I like to listen to people who make me think, make me laugh, and keep me informed.

   I like to think of myself as being pretty well versed when it comes to sports.  But I don't know everything.  That's why sports talk radio is so fun for me.  I can get the perspectives of others who see things that I don't.

   I also like those who look beyond the obvious and try to look deeper.  I think that this makes someone interesting.  It's easy to read box scores or look at season statistics, but they often don't tell the whole story.  Those who can look deeply at the issues and make their arguments will get listeners.
    It is also nice to be entertained.  It's possible to laugh and have a good time while doing sports talk radio.  Sure, a line needs to be drawn and it can go too far, but doing something to make the listeners laugh goes a long way.

    The funniest thing that I have ever heard on the radio was several years ago when John Lund and Hans Olsen called this number that was set up for fans to give Barry Bonds some well wishes when he broke the record.  John and Hans basically trolled it leaving all kinds of messages that made fun of Bonds, instead of congratulating him.

    Finally, it's nice to have up to the second breaking news.  When something big happens, it's nice to know when it happens and get the details out to fans ASAP.

    So, in no particular order, here are my rankings of local shows in the criteria I gave:

Make me think:
1. Bill Riley
2. Tony Parks
3.  Jake Scott

Make me laugh:
1. DJ and PK
2.  Hans Olsen
3.  Red and Blue

Breaking news:
1. Hans Olsen
2. Bill Riley
3.  Jake Scott

So tell me, what makes a good radio host to you?  Leave me a comment or tweet at me @BenInSouthDavis

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