Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ben There, Trolled That

     I boldly claimed that my run-in with Gordon Monson was the best troll fest I had ever started.  As I got to thinking about it, I realized that there are a few more that deserve serious consideration for that honor.

"Caught with........."

       During my time at SUU, one of my favorite things was to go to the basketball games.  SUU was half decent, we had the Goose Man (legendary, he deserves his own blog entry, ill get to him at some point), and we had a student section that sat right on the court.  Harassing the opposing team was no problem at the Centrum Arena.  

       About halfway through the second half of each game, a promotion called "Caught with a Coke!" was run.  Some PR lady would pick some random person in the audience who had a coke to be the winner.  The cheerleaders would hold up this big sign that said "Caught with a Coke!".  When there was a timeout, the PA guy would say "Turn your attention to Section F, Row 13 where Jeremy has been CAUGHT WITH A COKE!".  Good old Jeremy then got a free drink at the next game.  Some promotion eh?

       So my friends and I started trying to win this little contest.  We'd go by a drink before the game and we'd try to be over the top in showing off that we had them so we could get picked.  Didn't work.  

      One night, we are sitting in the convenience store right by the arena and we got an idea.  One of the guys said:

       "Why is it just 'Caught with a coke'?  Why isn't 'Caught with a..................(im scanning around the store looking for something obscure and I finished his thought)....can of creamy tomato soup?"

      And thus it was born.

     We bought a poster board that we knew was at least double the size of the little "caught with a coke" sign.  We make it look all fancy (ok, not really).  We had someone bring it in.  Then we waited.  

     With 12 minutes left in the game, we saw the cheerleaders get ready with their sign and we got ready with ours.  When there was a timeout, as soon as the PA guy started his little speech, we jumped right up and started yelling at the top of our lungs.  I had the soup can, and my friends on either side of me held up the sign. I think we had about 10 guys there in on it, so we attracted quite a bit of attention.

      Our timing was so perfect that the vast majority of the arena looked at us, and not at the Coke person.  Thus, the promotion was completely ruined that night.

     Here is what it looked like:

"Je-rry! Je-rry! Je-rry!"

        If you have never been to a baseball game at Spring Mobile Ballpark in SLC, I strongly recommend it. One of the neat features of the park is that there is grass all around behind the outfield to sit and enjoy the game.  This is my favorite place to watch a game from.

       On July 4, the team always has a fireworks show after the game.  In 2009, I took my girlfriend there.  I intended it to be a double date, but my buddies showed up alone.  Oh well.

       Anyway, and this will come as a surprise to exactly no one, but I like to heckle the opposing team at whatever sporting event I attend.  So, I made plans to get to this game very early so that we could get a spot right behind one of the outfielders, so we could heckle him.

       I discovered that the center fielder for the Tacoma Rainers was named Jerry Owens.  (For an in-depth analysis of this baseball legend, click here.)  Every time Tacoma came out into the field, we heckled this poor guy.  "You're the man, Jerry!", "How's Ichiro, Jerry?" "You were adopted Jerry!"  (I still cant figure out why that last one is insulting, theres nothing wrong with being adopted. but my buddy yelled it out!)

     Anyway, this spread like wildfire.  Soon, we had all the people around us heckling this guy.  It got to be a mob!  I felt bad when it got to the point that kids started hurling profanity in his direction.

     When the game was over, and Tacoma had won, Jerry came right over to us, pumped his fist a few times, and yelled "yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!" before pointing at us and running away.  Still, the fact that we led a mob that grew and grew throughout the game, was awesome.

     And by the way, despite this display of maturity, my girlfriend still agreed to marry me three months later!


      My athletic career in high school was remarkably unremarkable.  And by that I mean non-existent.  Lots of reasons for that.  But I always loved to go to the games.  One night, we were playing Fremont in basketball.  Some buddies and I got together and decided to paint our faces to show school spirit.  While we are using the bathroom mirror to do that, some little kid walks up and asks for some face paint.

     Being the nice guy I am, I painted this kid's face all up  I put "VHS" on both of his cheeks and just did an outstanding job of making him look like a Viking.

     I forgot about it, I enjoyed the game.  We won.  As I'm walking out, joking around and talking with my buddies about the game, I feel this sharp, sharp pain in my leg.  I look down in time to see this kid launch another vicious kick that hits me right in the shin.


    Whoops! My bad!

    All in a day's work for a troll like myself............

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