Sunday, January 13, 2013

There Are a Lot of Dumb Ute Fans

    Someday, somebody needs to write the ultimate rule book on being a sports fan.  There would be a lot of things to cover, for sure.  But right up there at the top would be the rules about leaving your team.

    I can't think of many reasons that justify deserting your team.  A Penn State type scandal? Ok, yes, that qualifies.  A family member gets the opportunity to play at the collegiate level  for another school?  Fine.  That works too.

    Other than that, are there any justifiable reasons to abandon your team?  Not really, if you ask me.  And since you're reading this blog, you did just ask me!

    As most of you know, I am a die-hard fan of the Runnin' Utes.  More than any other team I cheer for, they are "my" team.  And as you can imagine, there hasn't been a whole lot of joy in Uteville over the past few years.  For a variety of reasons, the team has struggled to gain any traction.

    This year has been no different.  While it's clear that the team has improved from last year, there appears to be a considerable amount of growth that remains for this team to compete in the Pac-12.

    Yesterday, the team welcomed in the USC Trojans.  There was a buzz in the Huntsman Center that hadn't been felt in a long time.  After taking three of the better teams in the conference to the wire, the fans were hoping that it would be our turn to finally get a win.

     But it wasn't to be.  USC just had one of those nights.  It didn't matter how contested their shots were, the Trojans made them and the Utes were beaten.

    The post game reaction was brutal.  Fans on social media and post game shows were frustrated.  How could anyone not be?  A winnable game turned into yet another loss.  But this one was different.  Many said they were done with this team.  They wouldn't be coming back or watching this team until they figure out whats wrong and fix it.

     That drives me nuts and there's no other way to say it.

     Believe me, I get it.  I know how frustrating it is.  I want so badly for this team to succeed.  But to just pack up and leave your team when they are struggling?  Give me a break.  If that's you, then you aren't a true fan.

     I want to focus on two of our seniors: Jason Washburn and David Foster.  These two have been through a lot.  For Foster, he has played under 3 different head coaches in his time at Utah.  Both of them watched as teammates cut and ran when things got hard.  Instead of following suit, they stayed.  Foster even stayed after finding out his basketball career was over due to injury.  You can now find the 7'3" big man in a suit and tie encouraging his teammates from the bench each and every game.

     Folks, this is a kid who graduated last year and is so committed to this program that he has hung around to see it through.

    Look at Washburn.  He has some talent and ability.  I am not saying he is going to the NBA, but he can play.  He easily could have transferred to UNLV or New Mexico or anywhere else where they have a successful program and played big minutes there.  But you know what?  He didn't.  He believed in this Ute team and wanted to be a part of it.

     So you, Joe Schmoe, Ute "fan", are telling me that YOU are going to quit on those kids?  You have had enough and can't take it anymore?  Fine.  Don't let the door hit you on the way out.  If you can't tolerate losing, go cheer for someone else.  But on your way out, I want you to walk up to Foster and Washburn, or Cedric Martin or Jordan Loveridge or anyone else, look them in the eye, and tell them that you are tired of losing and that you won't come back until the "idiots" figure it out.

    I tell you one thing, these kids deserve a heck of a lot more than for a bunch of fans to quit on them.

   I frequently argue with a group I will just call the "Larry haters".  On day 1, this group made up their mind that Larry Krystkowiak was the wrong man for the job and have since blasted his every move.  I consider this group to be the "Statler & Waldorf" of Uteville, minus the clever puns.  But, you know least those guys show up.  At least they care.  At least they follow the team and talk about them.

   I know that I am probably a more "extreme" Ute fan than most, so maybe that's part of it.  For me, it hasn't always been "just" about football and basketball.  I am just as interested in the Volleyball, Tennis, and Soccer teams.  If it's Ute-related, I follow it.  I get pumped every time I hear our fight song, doesn't matter if it's at a baseball game or Rice-Eccles in the fall.

    Speaking of our fight song........look at the lyrics to the chorus:

    Who am I, sir?
    A UTAH man am I!
    A UTAH man, sir,
    And will be 'til I die!

    That's funny.  It doesn't say "Who am I sir? A Utah man am I! (as long as we are winning on a regular basis!) A Utah man sir and will be 'til we lose!"


    To wrap this up, I don't mean to call out the whole fan base.  I have said it before, and i'll say it again.  Ute fans are the best fans!  No doubt about it!  But let's stick with this team through thick and thin.  I wish you could see this team as I do.  We are so close!  Our best days are ahead of us!  And when we get there, this will all be worth it.

    In the meantime, remember my rule and never quit your team!



  1. Ute fans are the best fans, but there are a lot of dumb ones? You are talking out of both sides of your mouth here, which is it?

    1. Thanks for reading, Cameron! Come back and visit again!

  2. I'm with you big Ben. I've been a season ticket holder ever since I moved back to slc. Unfortunately that's right when th program went to garbage. But you know what? I've had the time of my life with my boys going to the games and meeting players and all o that. Wouldn't trade it in for winning that's for sure.

    That said I think we're on a verge for more wins. I can't wait for next season already!

    Ben I've been following you for a while now but I just discovered a sweet new reader taptu so now I'll be better about reading your stuff quicker. If you don't mind come check out my blog at let me know what you think!
